CroworD will be united with so many old friends this April. You can visit them live on 08/04/2022 at the legendary club Viperroom in Vienna together with Throwback, Perfect Sky, old friends in Rotten Halo and Lost in Waves. This will be the only time CroworD will be in Vienna for 2022 due to their album recording schedule.

On 16/04/2022 CroworD is invited to headline the first Metalnight Outbreak Event at Graz finest Explosiv. The place, where the "A Stars Eclipse" Video was done. CroworD will never leave such a good opportunity out and will record audio and video of the whole show and for the first time in history they team up with famous lightengineer Inka Martinovic for a massive visual experiance. Don't miss this out!
CroworD is honored to play together with longtime friends and touring buddies Under Destruction, Uzziel as well as Dystersol.