The Devil's Truth refers to a true story by Adlous Huxley in which a Priest chained to a pyre still prays for forgiveness for his cruel tormentors. His individual belief gives him the strengh to bear torture and ferocity delivered by his own relegion. A reign of terror by devine design. Many of us find affiliation in some sort of religion, and CroworD does specificly not speak about institutional religion cause they find their religious home for instance in Science, Music, A Football Club or a Siencefictional Universe far far away. Maybe you know the feeling when what ever you believe in is turning against you. Do you think your individual belief can carry you through?
they will break your legs
so you can't turn to anyone
and rip your nails
your fingers won't blame them
they will cut your hair
and tear you through the crowd
they make you bleed 'til you
confess their twisted truth
hold onto, what left you forsaken
drenched strengh, to bear torture and ferocity
pray onto, what will deliver their forgiveness
what never was, when the damage is done
the devils truth
a reign of terror
by divine design
the devils truth is lie
they will feed you slops
to shut your mouth in disgust
and fake your words to proof
alliance with the fallen one
they will pile up your pyre
that fear will speak through you
they won't hear the truth
and burn you alive
hold onto, what left you forsaken
drenched strengh, to bear torture and ferocity
pray onto, what will deliver their forgiveness
what never was, when the damage will be done
the devils truth
a reign of terror
by divine design
the devils truth brings fire